Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Comunicating with your Maker.

There are many people 
that strive to communicate 
with their Maker but they 
do not where to begin. The 
best time to start is now.

You have a loving heavenly father 
that wants nothing more than to
 hear your voice in prayer. He 
is constantly waiting for
 us to talk to him.
Sometimes we let the 
guilt of not praying frequently
stop us from trying but this is not
What God wants us to feel he wants us that
"...Men a that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; (Luke 18:1)

But the question is how do we pray?
The manner of prayer is simple.

Jesus Taught...  And they shall believe in me, that I am Jesus Christ,
the Son of God, and
shall pray unto the Father in my name

Prayer can be achieved in 4 simple steps,

1. Address your Heavenly Father
2. Give thanks for specifi
things in your life. 
3. Ask that for blessings you need.
4. Close by saying "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." 

Prayers are your personal thought and feelings not a memorized pattern.


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